Monday, August 16, 2010

You'll never believe who I'm with!

A Couple of weeks ago, I talked about people who text for no reason. Now I want to touch base with people who call for no reason. I think family is probably the best example of this because they don't really need an excuse. Once I woke up at 7:30 because my phone was ringing. I picked up, assuming it was an emergency, and my mom said, "Whats up?"

Family can be especially dangerous if you call at the wrong time. Like if, for example, you call when they are with other family members. Then something like this goes down: Hey, you'll never believe who I'm with! That's right: our entire extended family and also people who we call "family" but are really just friends.They're all here! I'm going to pass you around, hold on! If you get the pass around you are fucked.It's like being stuck with a group of people who don't really have anything to say to you but all called at once to make sure they were right. Whenever my dad calls, our entire conversation is footnoted by David Foster Wallace. For example:

Me: Hi
Him: Hi, how are you? 1

Just imagine a whole conversation like that, they can go on for awhile. It doesn't even matter if you have nothing to say. My mother does it too. I was talking to her as I walked home, I got in the building and then told her I had to go because I was getting in the elevator and she was like, "Where are you going?" and I was like, "up."

1. How was your day? Bring me through you entire day. When you say that you went to the park were you on 95th or 86th? Oh, you know what, I just ran into your friend today and they are having the best time here. Have you spoken to them? Who were you at the park with again? That's so nice that you are hanging out with her again. Also, before I forget, I looked in the car and it seems you drove it. In the groves that make up the wheels there was what I'll call "debris." I can only assume this can also be identified as "road."


  1. Hahahaha. I hate when my mom calls and passes the phone around. I am effed. And yes, elevator, up. Buh-bye.

  2. Your conversation with your dad is exactly how mine go, ha. Plus the subjects remain the same, like something changes from Wednesday night to Thursday morning??
