Thursday, August 19, 2010

Seven cameras used to take "silliest picture ever"

Last weekend, a group of girlfriends got together and took "like, the best picture ever." The picture, it was reported, was taken with a variety of cameras and from several different angles until "everyone looked cute."

"It was crazy," said Lizzie Bellows, from Delaware, "it started out with only like three people and then I was like, 'OMG! Everyone get in!' and then they did almost immediately." Everyone was dressed and look "totally hot" so they wanted to get a best friends forever picture because everyone was there. Before getting in a group everyone was reassured, respectively, "You look sooo good. You do. I promise." and "No, that's not slutty." 

Initially, when they took the picture, everyone was smiling and posing--but then things took a turn. "At first, we were all like  smiling and then we decided "fuck this" and took a silly picture." said Katherine Brown. " We were so silly but it's great because then, when it's tagged on facebook, people will  know that we are funny too." Brown added that she might even, "crop it" later and "totally use it for my profile picture." 

All girls expressed relief when the photographer agreed to use seven cameras. Bellows reported being particularly pleased because "Susan never puts up pictures" and she wanted her own copy. While all in all the experience was a positive one, Sally Hanson later reported to Caroline Stevenson she was "pissed" because "Lizzie always takes the side spot to make her arms looks skinny and it's really annoying."


  1. I think this is the funniest blog post ever written in the history of blog posts. Unfortunately, people are lazy about commenting.

  2. Just discovered this blog. All I needed was this one post to become a follower :) It's hilarious because its so true. I'm going to peruse your archives now!

  3. Who is Lizzie Bellows? She sounds like the coolest person on the planet! I want to meet her :)

    Also, can't wait for homecoming!
