Monday, August 30, 2010

Dove ad creates surge of unwarranted self-confidence

When the heat wave returned to NYC this past weekend, many took this as a free pass to strip down and beach themselves on the lawns of Central Park. Entering the park from at a variety of locations, one was immediately accosted by the over confident and "slutty." People squeezed onto every patch of grass like pregnant fish in a sardine can, and reported "not giving a shit" about the other people around them.

It turns out that this abundance of erroneous self confidence can be tranced back to Dove's ad campaign earlier this year. The campaign, geared towards promoting the beauty of "real women," displayed women with many different types of bodies laughing and having the best time ever. "When I first saw the ad," reports Cindy Lord, "I was like, "Wow they are all so beautiful," but I like still totally wished the one on the far right was bit skinnier." Others like Cindy were quickly inspired by the "fat girls" in the campaign. "It was so great to see that all these girls who like didn't care they were ugly," remembers Sandra Greer, "but then it got a bit out of control because people thought they were ok, but they like weren't."

Greer pointed specifically to her cousin who, she reports, "saw the ad and could like relate to these woman so well it was disgusting."

*I truly apologize for the spelling of "surge." This was written before my coffee and is completely unacceptable, but still pretty fucking ridic.

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