Monday, October 4, 2010

People love Pizza. They don't love math.

I was innocently watching TV over the weekend, when this ad came on. It's true, this is a real ad and it glorifies other ads that really concerned me.  Let me just re-quote, even though you just watched it, Pizza Hut now promises no more "confusing deals, or math problems." I'm sorry: am I missing something? At what point were deals on food complicated math? I can only assume they're referring to a mind boggling two-for- one deal or, even worse, buy-this  get-that bullshit. Or "super sizing," which might lead the inquistive  mind/fat fuck to question just how super is super? Is it super enough? Thank you Pizza Hut I was worried that, when I wanted to stuff my face, I might be led astray. Fuck math, feed me. 


  1. Bahah! I can literally hear the words coming out of your mouth.

    Pizza Hut is UBER hip here. Come eat with me in India? Can't wait to catch up this week X

  2. Hilarious! I bet this ad came straight from L.A. We don't do math out here.
