Monday, November 8, 2010

I just want to be honest here

I was driving into NYC with my friend the other day and we got pulled over by a cop. Here's what I don't understand: When you get pulled over, the first thing they ask is "Do you know why we pulled you over" Do I know? Do you know? Who's job is this here?  Umm I'm sorry isn't this your job? If I call people for work I do not go "Hello, do you know why I'm calling? It may seem like I'm taking the initiative but I'm going to go ahead and put the ball in your court." What are you supposed to say? "Yes, officer I was speeding. I saw speed limit and said " Absolutely not. You cannot control me." Also, since you asked I have some weed in the car, was that it? I just want to be honest here and give you all the facts. 

So they ask you why you were pulled over and then they proceed to ask you how fast you were going too as if their only job is literally to drive around. Oh you're a traffic cop what do you do? You know, I get this sweet outfit and then I pull just pull people over and see what they think. It's more of a thought process but I've gotten good at asking really pointed questions. 

Once, when I was driving with a friend, we were going through a residential area at, I don't know, 7mph and this cop literally waves us down with his hands. We think maybe he's just say hey, whats up FALSE. We got a speeding ticket. I'm just going to go ahead here and make a leap here: If you can slow down the car with your hands, they are not speeding. 

1 comment:

  1. HIlarious post!! I was laughing out loud the entire time I read this!! So true! hahaaa
