Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Does he realize how ridiculously similar we are?

I know it’s been a really long and you’ve probably been thinking, since you think about me frequently, “Oh, where has Antonia gone. Maybe she has a job and moved out.” NOPE. Don’t worry, whatever you fears were, you have absolutely nothing to be worried about.

It’s probably not that acceptable that I’m still living at home; like when people ask when I graduated I can no longer say “recently” I have to say, “a year ago.” In fact, and this is NOT a fucking joke, my doorman asked me if I was going to get a job. I mean that is a sign, like get the fuck out of this building and I’m like, “No! I’m staying here FOREVER.”

Oh my god, how depressing was that.

The other day I went to get coffee at the place by my house (Obviously I don’t need it since I have no reason to “get up” and “be active” and “WORK” ). So I get in line and I’m zoning out and then a banging dude steps up behind me and I notice immediately because I’m very perceptive like that. I use my periphs, I scan for guys, and I see them. So I order an ice coffee with skim milk and then HE ORDERS AN ICE COFFEE WITH SKIM MILK TOO. I know, fucking destiny. So I’m thinking does he realize how ridiculously similar we are? We’re like a ad but I’m not wearing a cool scarf and laughing uncontrollably for no reason. Is this what’s passing through his head at 9 in the morning? And then the barista goes, “I think your mom was already in here and got you a coffee.”

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