This is just a side comment and totally unrelated: What the fuck is going on with his hat here? Is it on? Is it off? Nobody fucking knows, not even him.
So I was on the bus again yesterday—I know, I’m seriously becoming a peasant—and someone was listening to their music incredibly loudly and I didn’t want to lean over and be like, “Excuse me son, you could blow your eardrums out,” because obviously I didn’t fucking care about that. The truth is that it just reminded me of something new and annoying.
Why do singers feel the need to say their own name at the beginning of the song? Sometimes they even mix it up a little bit by giving themselves a shout out in the middle. Like at the beginning of the Jason Derulo song he goes, “Jasoooon Derullooo.” Then, since your short-term memory is so bad you forget things after thirty seconds, he fucking reminds you again a bit later. Like yeah, thanks Jason, I know you’re the one singing because on my ipod it has this special capability—call it magic, if you will—that allows me to see the “artist.”
Can you imagine if people just did that? Like at the beginning of every conversation if I went “Antooonia Clarrrrrk” and then again when you were talking, maybe even saying something important, just did it again. Or maybe just: “IT IS MEEEE.”