There is a huge advantage to living alone, or with your friends, or with your unbelievably hot boyfriend who loves you NO MATTER WHAT you do because he is just ideal like that, that you don’t really think of until you are living with your parents (even though you are like really confident that you will be living with the guy from the subway really soon because destiny is destiny and you can’t change that). The advantage is that you can stuff your face whenever you want without wondering if anyone suspects something and, when you might be feeling a little paranoid (or maybe you’re just perceptive and cautious, who knows) this is really nice.
In contrast, when your mother is sitting home when you get back and are the hungriest you have ever been in your whole life; you worry. You might go home, after extensively visualizing the bag of mini oreos on your counter, to find you mother guarding the kitchen like someone who guards things from individuals who do drugs even though they don’t know they are guarding anything. You have to start acting like you are Harry Potter in The Sorcerers Stone (You might get a bit distracted because you start thinking about how crazy HP is) and you are sneaky, and agile, and good at snatching things up and running. You might literally run into the kitchen, find your mother, pretend you are looking for something (but honestly, like what could you be looking for in the kitchen other than food? but you don’t think of this because you’re on a mission), and run back to your room. No one asks why you are running. (Maybe you only think you are running). And, when you do finally find yourself alone with this bag of oreos, you discover that the fact that you can literally have a handful of oreos is really cool.
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