Okay, clearly setting you up here. Like when people tell you something really great and it's because they're about to manipulate the fuck out of you--you have to be on your toes. ANYWAY: I've moved out. I am not living with my parents anymore. Last night was my first night away from ma and pa, so I feel like I am being pretty honest with you here. Here are things I'm concerned about:
1. Food: Where will it come from?
2. My room: how will I ever remember to clean it without being told?
3. My current location 24/7: How will anyone know my whereabouts since my mother won't be able to give them an update?
4. Missing items: how will I find them if no one asks me where I last put them.
5. My computer and all other potentially electronic items: will they charge themselves?
I was living my building the other day and I was pretty excited to be "getting my own place" so I told my doorman. I was like, "Guess what! I'm moving out," and he said, "Are your parents coming with you?"